Sunday, January 9, 2011


I can't sew. The sewing machine and I are complete enemies. I can't knit or crochet. The word needle brings on total fear, when it comes to crafts or the doctors office. I do though, enjoy scarves. How do those things possible relate?! Well in order to make a scarf you usually have to either sew, knit, or crochet (sad face). I though, have found my way around this problem. Behold the ribbon scarf (more for decorative purposes than warmth).
Looks like a pile of junk right? WRONG

On the neck its very cute and avant garde. 

I saw the woman I work with wearing one of these the other day and she told me to give it a go. So I did, I think i kind of like it. Sorry my outfit doesn't come close to matching!

THEN I found a website that tells you how to do a simple finger weaving. It yields a very thin scarf and therefore you need to make it very long. This scarf, as oppose to the other i more for the warmth factor. Although, I suppose if you stagger the lengths of the wraps it could be rather cute. 

Look how long it is!

Close up of how the weave looks. Sorry its blurry. I need a better camera!

I like how its colorful. You can adjust how thick you want it to, and its SO easy. A good past time, even if you just want to de-stress from the day!

P.S. My god I never realized how EXPENSIVE yarn is!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. That's a cute idea! I make leis using the finger weaving technique all the time but I never thought about making it into a scarf! Very cute!

    I'm a new follower and I'm currently loving your blog :)

