Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Today we had a baby shower for the teacher I work with. The parents in my class are awesome and put together an amazing little party. I too, did my contributions. Starting with chocolate covered Nutter butters and marshmallows.

 The kids went gaga for the marshmallows. The parents loved the Nutter Butters. All went well. 

Then I saw this baby's first year display on someone else's blog. They did a monkey themed one and used it as a centerpiece. Luckily Megan from  Bare Foot Copy Cat knew exactly what I was talking about and gave me the LINK. Thanks girl!  I loved it and searched for it everywhere and cannot seem to find it again to give them credit for my inspiration (if anyone knows where I saw this, LET ME KNOW!)
Anyways, It's a display where you put a picture for each month of the baby's first year. 

Its adorable and I worked all night to get it done for today. 

She seemed to really like it and I thought it was just TOOOOO cute. 



  1. This is so cute (I saw it on the Power of the Paint Party).... and I'm laughing because I know exactly which monkey one you are talking about, becuase I have saved it so I can use it for my son's first birthday! here's the link! (I think it's the same!) http://iheartnaptime.blogspot.com/2010/02/birthday-display.html

    Your blog is so cute!

  2. THATS THE ONE! Thanks so much for all your kind words!

  3. thats too funny! I have to ask though because it wasn't on her tutorial either, what do you do with the top of the dowels to display the month card, and attach a clip for pictures? Thats the only part that doesn't make sense to me.

  4. I hot glued a clothes pin to the side of the dowel so that the clothes pin sticks up about a cm higher then the dowel. Then I glued the month card to the paper clip. This way you cant see the top of the dowel unless you look at it from the back. I hope that explains it better.

  5. Did you get the idea for the Nutter Butters from NYE?!

  6. Sure did. I was originally going to do all marshmallows. After tasting them on NYE though, and figuring out they sucked, I went with the Nutter Butters too. The kids LOVED the marshmallows though. I'm glad I ended up doing both!
