Some of you may have noticed that there is always a gap between my posts. I was never a person who could create, snap, post. It's just too all over the place for me. I usually create for a few days, rest, then snap and post. It's just my organization style. You know, one step at a time. So I apologize for the delay, but usually, after a delay, I'm good for at least 2 posts!
Aside from that small rant this post was suppose to be about my recent thrift store find. I go to my local thrift store often and the place is very hit or miss. Plus, now they have a new pricing woman and I swear she's slightly crazy. I never thought I would call a thrift store expensive but some of the stuff makes my eyes bug.
On Wednesday I hit u my local thrift and found a few kids books (I collect children's literature. I'm a elementary school teacher remember!), a large styrofoam ball (usually like $5.00 at Michael's for $0.50), a game for my students, and then I came across this......
BUT I can't show you yet! First I have to explain that when I'm at a thrift store I'm always looking for things to re-vamp or make incredible again. This on the other hand I fell in love with AS IS. It was perfect, and sitting there for $1.25 I bought it. I have NO WHERE to put it, as I still live with my rents, but I
wanted NEEDED it. So, it will it around until I eventually get a place of my own and then I have my first decorative piece.
Okay, did I make you wait enough? Here it is....
Exciting right!!!! It's a black tray with a blue sparkly damask pattern and I'm downright giddy about it for the amount I paid.
Goodness I'm a nerd!