Thursday, December 30, 2010

Shirt Replica

I go into Charlotte Russe and I fall in love. With this:
A cute navy blue tank with ruffled collar. Now over the course of the year I seriously packed on some unwanted pounds so finding a shirt that looked good on me is a serious plus now. The shirt cost $22.50. I know i know, thats nothing. You need to understand though, I am SERIOUSLY cheap. $20.00 is the most i EVER spend on a piece of clothing. I just cant fathom spending more. BUT I know I can't sew so I sucked up my pride and bought it. As I'm standing at the register I look at my shopping companion and said "This kills me because I know I can make it!" I then proceeded to show her how the ruffles were simple circles of material folded into fourths and sewed on. SEEEE...
When sewed all together you get a gorgeous ruffle. 

After getting home I decided to give it a go anyway, pretty much just to prove I could. So I gathered my supplies. A black wife beater that I already had:
And tulle circles I found in the wedding section of the dollar store. I got them in purple and white. Then i cut them up into like 3456789 tinier circles. Note my work surface is the arm of a chair. I'm so classy.

I then doubled the circles up (one lavender and one white), folded em into fourths and started sewing. 

Here is my finished product.
 Look a little circusy. BUT here is it on:

I think this would look so cute with a little jacket over top! Also take notice of the GORGEOUS key necklace my AMAZING boyfriend bought me. He's so sweet.

So, like I said, I SUCK a sewing. If this came undone tomorrow I would NOT be shocked, BUT I did it! Which is exactly what I wanted to prove to myself.   WHALA!



  1. SO pretty! You should definitely link this up over at my Favorite 2010 Projects Party (or any other projects you'd like!)Have a happy holiday!

  2. Such a pretty makeover! Love it! Thanks for linking up and sharing your post on Thrilling Thursday @ Paisley Passions. Hope you stop by again soon :)

  3. Thanks for linking up! Happy New Year!
